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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1689
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2024 .17 .7470
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17،
number In Volume 6،
issue Number 100
Analysis of European words in constitutional poetry and its developments in Persian language
Hassan Alizadeh , Ramin Sadeghinejad (Author in Charge), Maryam Mohammadzadeh
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Context and purpose: one of the stylistic attributes of constitutional period poetry is the use of European words (French, English, Russian) which were used by different factors in poets" poetry. and influenced the Persian language. In this article, with the aim of investigating the position, changes and evolutions of these words and their influence on the Persian language, the poems of the poets of the constitutional Current have been analyzed.
METHODOLOGY: The collection of article information was done in a library manner and it was written with a descriptive and analytical approach. The statistical population of the research includes the poems of ten prominent poets of the constitutional period, and European words have been examined in their poems from the point of view of word stylistics.
FINDINGS: In the course of constitutional poetry, approximately from 1285 to 1300 AD, European words have become a stylistic feature and can be seen in the Diwan of all poets. The Frequency of these words in special words related to the names of persons, places, Epithet and everyday terms(Idiom), words related to the field of politics, military and economic affairs, words related to the field of culture and social life. Poets used words in political, social, and lyrical content for various reasons, such as: creating a new theme, the necessity of using the word in the absence of a Persian equivalent, interest in using the word despite the existence of an equivalent word, artificiality and modernism. Compared to Persian equivalents, these words were used with translation at the same time as Persian equivalents, and in some cases, Persian or Arabic equivalents are more common. The evolution of these words after the constitutional period can be seen in three ways: 1- The words were removed from the Persian language with a change in theme and equivalence, 2- Some were used with a slight change. 3- Most of the words that were in the field of culture and social life of the people remained and are common today.
CONCLUSION: European words are used in the fields of politics, military, society, culture, and economy for various reasons, modernism, the necessity of application, and beautification, in the poetry of constitutional poets. Their developments after the constitution are of three types: abandonment after the constitution, equalization with Persian words and stabilization in the Persian structure.
constitutional poetry
, word
, European
, equivalent
, transformation.
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